I got some really kick ass presents. Flynn got me Guitar Hero the 80's extension pack, Linus got me a travel tea mug that brews loose leaf, which I am estatic about, there was beer brought over, and a bottle of very nice scotch which I am excited about as well, a pirrahana bottle opener, I am probably missing something at the moment, but they were all wonderful! My mother even sent me flowers which only slightly makes up for the giant stuffed elmo she sent me...only slightly.
I am knee deep in finals right now, and beginning to panic. If only I had some bright friendly letters with me at all times to remind me not to panic.
Ahhh, that is a little better. I have a huge lighting project final due at the beginning of next week, I get to focus, gel, and creat my own light show for a classical piece of music. We'll see how I am doing next week, for now I am off to put together a portfolio for poetry.
I am also worried, about the girl, my girl. She has been sick in the hospital for almost a week, with what we think is mono. So there is that to add to stress as well, but she seems to be getting a little better, we found out today that she doesn't have to have surgery, or at least at the moment. Here is to keeping fingers crossed, that she gets better quickly, we miss having her around.
To round things out here are some Haiku snippets I have been working on for my poetry class.
Plans for Life - 1) Start
from where you are. 2) Improve.
3) There is no 3.
Karmic rebirth sucks
'cause I can't stomach being
a hand-me-down soul
I am the giant
shadow of a small girl who
sits behind the sun.
I trash memories
hoping commontion's enough
for thought, emotion.
Thanks for the birthday wishes Mayren!!
Happy Birthday Squidly!
It's true, she's all grown up and can drink to her little hearts content... Like she did on Monday!
Everyone had a great time, and I've got the pictures to prove it!
Hope your girl feels better soon!
Sorry for the delay in commenting. When I saw you'd posted, I was so shocked I fainted. I'm just now regaining consciousness. Good post, and welcome back. Now STAY HERE THIS TIME!
I know I'm late with this...but....
Thanks guys! No worries Mandy :) thank you for the wishes!! Yay we get to see you soon!
Jim, I promise I'll stay this time :)
I am happy that you turned 21 and haven't died of alcohol poisoning yet. Woohoo. But seriously many congrats.
As for Cori, Max was telling me about her and it almost sounds like what I had in 2005. Blech. No fun. I hope she gets well soon.
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